Graduated in theater and cinematographic arts, I subsequently attended shooting, editing and directing courses to then gain experience on film sets of great directors. With my "retrofuture" vision, I try to mix the world of cinema with that of video clips, between past and future, between dream and reality, drawing inspiration from art and nature. I personally take care of the conception of each project by supervising every aspect of the implementation. Since January 2020 I have been a member of AIR3 - Italian Directors Association.
ISABEL | short film

Freely inspired by the story of the great Renaissance lady, it tells the last days of life of the Marquise of Mantua, Isabella d'Este, who defended her role as woman and mother with love and strenuous passion, up to the secret encounter with "the other Isabella", mistress of her eldest son Federico, Isabella Boschetti.
Presented in preview at the Cinema d'Essai (FICE) 2017 meetings, it is among the finalists of more than 50 Festivals including Tirana, Vancouver Pescara, Lecce, Montréal, Santiago de Chile, Rome, Trieste, Los Angeles and winning numerous awards among which: 9 best short film awards, 4 best actress awards, 4 special jury awards, 3 best scenography awards, 2 best director awards, best editing award, best screenplay award, best costume design award. He is also a candidate for the 2018 Silver Ribbons.
Cast: Elisabetta Pozzi - Linda Messerklinger - Nicola De Buono
Written and directed by: Claudio Pelizzer
Executive producer: Sergio Cremasco
Cinematographer: Nicola Cattani
Editor: Alessandra Cernic
Soundtrack: Roberto Cacciapaglia
Color Correction: Sergio Cremasco
Production Company: Mantova Film Commission - Officina Immagini
Italy | 2017
ISABEL | short film

Freely inspired by the story of the great Renaissance lady, it tells the last days of life of the Marquise of Mantua, Isabella d'Este, who defended her role as woman and mother with love and strenuous passion, up to the secret encounter with "the other Isabella", mistress of her eldest son Federico, Isabella Boschetti.
Presented in preview at the Cinema d'Essai (FICE) 2017 meetings, it is among the finalists of more than 50 Festivals including Tirana, Vancouver Pescara, Lecce, Montréal, Santiago de Chile, Rome, Trieste, Los Angeles and winning numerous awards among which: 9 best short film awards, 4 best actress awards, 4 special jury awards, 3 best scenography awards, 2 best director awards, best editing award, best screenplay award, best costume design award. He is also a candidate for the 2018 Silver Ribbons.
Cast: Elisabetta Pozzi - Linda Messerklinger - Nicola De Buono
Written and directed by: Claudio Pelizzer
Executive producer: Sergio Cremasco
Cinematographer: Nicola Cattani
Editor: Alessandra Cernic
Soundtrack: Roberto Cacciapaglia
Color Correction: Sergio Cremasco
Production Company: Mantova Film Commission - Officina Immagini
Italy | 2017
ONE FAMILY | movie

The film was presented to the 74th edition del Venice Film Festival ed competed for the Golden Lion.
Maria lives with Vincenzo, a semi-criminal of French origin, with whom she has a relationship of subordination. He forced her to procreate for la maternity surrogacy. She uses the IUD to avoid getting pregnant but Vincenzo finds out. While carrying on her last pregnancy, she discovers that the last girl sold illegally had died after a few months, and now the step-parents want their 50,000 euros paid back. The two then move house and through an accomplice gynecologist they find a gay couple to sell the unborn child to. Maria gives birth alone at home, and Vincenzo takes the baby away from her and brings it to the two men. They have the child examined and discover that he has a serious heart malformation and therefore they no longer accept him. Vincenzo carries the cradle with the baby in front of a dumpster near the house, but in the end he leaves it in a playground, where Maria, who is looking for it desperately, finds it.
Starring: Micaela Ramazzotti - Patrick Bruel
Written and directed by: Sebastiano Riso
Assistant Director: Claudio Pelizzer
Cinematographer: Piero Basso
Production Company: Indiana Production - Rai Cinema
Italy | 2017

The film is based on the autobiographical novel of the same name di Massimo Gramellini and was submitted to Directors' Fortnight del Cannes Film Festival 2016.
it is the story of a difficult search for the truth and at the same time the fear of discovering it. On the morning of December 31, 1969, Massimo, just nine years old, finds his father in the corridor supported by two men: his mother is dead. Massimo grows up and becomes a journalist. After returning from the war in Bosnia where he was sent by his newspaper, he begins to have panic attacks. He goes to the hospital and here he meets Elisa. The director of his newspaper entrusts him with the column "letters to the newspaper" and the comparison with the stories of the people who write to him and Elisa's closeness will help Massimo to discover the truth about his childhood and his past.
Starring: Valerio Mastandrea - Bérénice Bejo
Written and directed by: Marco Bellocchio
Assistant Director: Claudio Pelizzer
Cinematographer: Daniele Cipri
Production Company: IBC Movie - Rai Cinema
Italy | 2016
I WISH IT WAS NIGHT | short film

When love becomes obsession and madness, the desperate search for oneself and one's past seems to be the only way to be saved. An intimate female drama in a kaleidoscopic journey between dream and reality.
Previewed at the Ortigia Film Festival in 2015, it was selected in dozens of festivals around the world, including the USA, China, UK, Spain, Australia, Hungary, Malta, Argentina, Switzerland, Uruguay, numerous Italian festivals and winning: two awards for best actress, best original song, best editing, best scenography, best direction and two special jury awards. In December 2015 it was included in the Italian Film Festival of Madrid (supported by MIBACT) together with the most important Italian films of the year.
Starring: Giada Laudicina - Adolfo Vaini - Martina Ginelli - Polo Pitossi
Written and directed by: Claudio Pelizzer
Cinematographer: Mario d'Anna
Editing: Mattia Benetti, Claudio Pelizzer
Color Correction: Mattia Benetti
Original song "I wish it was night" by Elisa Rossi
Original Soundtrack: Giacomo Loprieno
Production Company: Moovie Milan
Special Thanks: Ralph Hall Visual Artist
Italy | 2015
BREATH | short film

The tormented love story between two lovers, in an indefinite era, in which every choice of the characters affects the lives of others, for a sort of "butterfly effect".
Previewed at the Essai Film Festival (FICE) in 2013, it was selected in various national and international festivals, winning numerous awards including: special jury award at the Agadir International Film Festival (MOROCCO), best director award at Cultural Film Festival of Naples, best screenplay at the Houston Film Festival (USA), Audience Award at the Erice Film Festival. In 2015 it was also included in the programming of the MART Museum of Contemporary Art in Trento and at Palazzo Gran Guardia in Verona.
Starring: Vanessa Scalera - Marco Casazza
Written and directed by: Claudio Pelizzer
Cinematographer: Mario d'Anna
Editing: Claudio Pelizzer
Color Correction: Mattia Benetti
Original Soundtrack: Giacomo Loprieno
Dress: Rei Kawakubo by Gastone Renica
Production Company: Mantova Film Commission
Italy | 2013